Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Weight Loss Tips For Busy Professionals

In order to lose weight, one must make a few lifestyle changes as well as a total commitment. What happens if you’re too just too busy? No matter how busy you might be, you can never be too busy to lose weight. You have to approach weight loss the way you approach your business; this means:

·        Total commitment to the cause
·        Failure is not an option
·        Never give up until you reach your goal

If you put as much effort into your weight loss plan as you do your job, then there is no reason why you shouldn’t be just as successful. If you are truly dedicated to losing the extra pounds, then you must understand that this requires a few lifestyle changes. 
There is nothing too drastic, just small changes that will benefit you in the future because you will look and feel better.

Find time to do some form of physical activity each day

The first task is to find time for physical activity. It is best to find something that you enjoy doing or even rotate between of different activities so that you don’t get bored. 
However, if you choose a regular exercise routine, it is best to do it first thing in the morning and schedule a time each day for this. The great thing about doing your exercise in the morning is that it makes you feel good throughout the day. Once you get home from a long day of work, you won’t have the excuse of being too exhausted to get it done.

Eliminate sweet treats from your daily diet

Once you have established an exercise plan, it is time to change your diet. The first thing you need to do is replace all the junk food in your home with healthy options including fresh fruits and vegetables. You also need to plan what you are going to eat at work each day. If there are no healthy options available at work, then you need to bring your own food to work so that you can still stick to your diet. Many people have issues with snacking. You can still snack at work or home if you want. Instead of eating something sweet or fatty, opt for a fruit plate or some delicious nuts such as almonds, peanuts, or sunflower seeds.

Drink at least eight glasses of water each day

Water is an essential component in living healthy. It helps to keep your body refreshed throughout the day, and the best part of all is that it has zero calories. This means you can drink as much as you want and you will not gain a pound. Try to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. You can even have a glass before each meal so that you eat less at mealtime.

Limit your caloric intake

One final weight loss tip is to limit your caloric intake to at least 300 calories less than before starting your weight loss plan. This is not very hard to do. It simply means paying special attention to portion size. If you generally have seconds at dinner, then try to break out of that habit. If you usually have soda with your meals, replace it with water. If you eat after your dinner, then chose something healthy like a fruit plate. You will be surprised to know how these simple changes can make a big difference in your weight loss efforts. 

I have been a personal trainer since 2009, but since 2013 with my clients at the gym, I had this little experiment about testing different diets and programs bought from the internet. We tested 30 programs with 100 clients and me and my clients together determined which one is the best and which one is the most effective.Please have a look at the results of the experiment..

Can Liquid Diets Aid In Weight Loss?

Liquid diets have been around for many years, but lately they are becoming more popular due to celebrity endorsements. It continues to grow in popularity due to the benefits of its drastic weight loss, but it also has other advantages:
·        When you are on a liquid diet the digestive system gets a rests because liquid is much easier to digest than solid foods.
              It is very good for the skin, giving it a younger appearance with a change in as little as 24 hours from the start the diet.
There are different types of liquid diets. Some replace daily meals with nutritional shakes.  Other liquid diets consist of drinking only juices made from fruits and or vegetables. There are also options where some of the meals are replaced by liquids and persons are allowed to consume nutritional bars throughout the day. If you chose to use a liquid diet to aid in your weight loss progress, there are some facts you need to keep in mind.

Liquid diets should only be done over a short period of time; it should not be used for a long term commitment. During the liquid diet, certain calories are restricted and, if this is done over a long period, it can prove problematic for your health. You also need to consult a doctor, nutritionist or dietitian before embarking on this or any diet for that matter. A health care practitioner will be able to set a time frame for your diet, but most beginners start a few days to a week at the most.

The diet will consist of about 8 glasses of water each day and each meal will be replaced with vegetable and or fruits juices. It is recommended that you opt for mostly vegetables juices because they contain more digestive enzymes, which will be very helpful on your diet. Throughout the day you can also sip on herbal teas, but check that they do not include any type of sugar.

If you are dieting during a work week, you need to mix juices and take them to work with you. You should also have your water bottle and another bottle for your herbal tea to keep you feeling full throughout the day. Stay away from places such as fast food outlets and restaurants while you are on the liquid diet.  If you must go to a restaurant for a business dinner, make sure to order herbal tea, fresh fruit juice or water; don’t be tempted by the other options on the menu. You are not required to do any exercises during the course of your liquid diet. The most exercise that is advised is leisurely walks, but nothing else that will allow you to increase your heart rate or break a sweat.

I have been a personal trainer since 2009, but since 2013 with my clients at the gym, I had this little experiment about testing different diets and programs bought from the internet. We tested 30 programs with 100 clients and me and my clients together determined which one is the best and which one is the most effective.Please have a look at the results of the experiment..

Everything You Need To Know About Losing Weight

Have you tried a number of crash diets that leave you feeling defeated because you did not lose a pound? Rest assured that you are not alone, but thankfully you can bounce back from failure. If your approach keeps you from losing weight, then that is where you should make the first change. An attempt to lose as much weight in a little time as possible does not lead to success. This is not a competition with anyone, but rather the effort to lose weight in a healthy way. There are a few things you need to learn while on your journey to a slimmer, healthier you.

Break your unhealthy habits

If you are overweight, then chances are you developed a few unhealthy habits that need to be broken. What better time to start than now? Some people might eat a reasonable portion for their main meals, but they tend to snack a lot, which is even worse. The problem with snacking is that you are unaware how much you are really eating until it is too late. If are guilty of this, it is time to stop this unhealthy habit. When you need to snack, opt for healthy portions of fruits or nuts instead of chips.

Don’t skip breakfast

Anyone who skips breakfast makes a mistake that many dieters make and, ultimately, regret because skipping breakfast will not make you lose weight. Breakfast is the first meal of the day and sets the pace for the rest of your day. It is also a very important part of your weight loss progress. Research has shown that there is a direct link between breakfast and successful weight loss.  When you eat a healthy breakfast, the body feels nourished and you are less likely to overindulge during the rest of the day. Make healthy breakfast choices such as whole grain toast, fruits, cereal, orange juice, or a glass of skim milk. 

I have been a personal trainer since 2009, but since 2013 with my clients at the gym, I had this little experiment about testing different diets and programs bought from the internet. We tested 30 programs with 100 clients and me and my clients together determined which one is the best and which one is the most effective.Please have a look at the results of the experiment..

HCG Diet – How Does It Work?

Are you one of the millions of individuals who want to lose weight and get healthier? Have you jumped from diet after fad diet only to end up in disappointment? We all know that obesity has become a widespread epidemic and the accompanying medical complications caused by being overweight or obese is just as prevalent. Being overweight and obese can lead to many serious diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke and some types of cancer. So losing that weight is very crucial to your health.

One diet that has gained much attention in the recent years is the hCG diet. The diet has been around since the 1950s when it was developed by Dr. ATW Simeons. It works on the premise that hCG or Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin makes use of stored fat for energy. How exactly does it do this?

The hCG is normally present at elevated levels in pregnant women during the early stages of pregnancy then drops as the pregnancy progresses. The timing of these increased levels occurs during the time when a woman still does not know that she is pregnant and is unlikely to be consciously “eating for two.” In the presence of hCG, a pregnant woman’s fat stores are mobilized to be used to nourish the fetus. This ensures that the fetus receives the necessary amount of calories and nutrients it needs for proper growth and development regardless of the pregnant woman’s caloric intake. Dr. Simeons also discovered that boys being treated for underdeveloped gonads with hCG ate less and as a result lost weight. This prompted him to explore hCG as a diet aid.

Both men and women can benefit from the hCG diet. The hormone increases your ability to burn fat allowing your body to use this stored fat as energy. At the same time, it curbs your appetite so you eat less. This translates to 1 to 2 pounds lost per day.
The hCG diet requires you to take daily shots or oral drops of hCG for at least 23 days. 

Depending on your response, you may undergo another round of treatment. Aside from the shots or drops, you are only allowed a very restricted caloric diet of 500 calories per day. You may think how can you possibly survive on just 500 calories a day? Won’t you go hungry? The 500 calories a day is the only amount you will need because the fat that is mobilized by the hCG is what you will be essentially using for energy. As long as stored fat is continuously released in the body, 500 calories is all you need to sustain you throughout the day. It is important that you consume a diet high in protein and low in carbohydrates and fat content.

Once you have lost the weight after the round of treatment, you will have to adopt a healthy lifestyle and way of eating. The whole purpose of the hCG diet is to correct poor eating habits and break any food addictions. The one month or so of treatment will allow you to achieve this. You lose a significant amount of weight in a short span of time and learn to keep it off.

If you have tried every fad diet there is and have been unsuccessful, then maybe it’s time you try another alternative. The hCG diet is safe and effective and may be the solution to your weight loss struggles. 

I have been a personal trainer since 2009, but since 2013 with my clients at the gym, I had this little experiment about testing different diets and programs bought from the internet. We tested 30 programs with 100 clients and me and my clients together determined which one is the best and which one is the most effective.Please have a look at the results of the experiment..

How To Lose Weight The Healthy Way

There are so many benefits to living healthy; it is still a surprise that so many people are still finding it hard to do. One of the advantages of eating and living healthy is that it can help you to lose weight. This may seem like a difficult task, but it does not have to be. Instead of trying to find an easy way out, it is better to make a few lifestyle changes that will have you looking and feeling better. There are many quick fixes to weight loss, but the problem is that they never seem to last. The only way to lose weight and keep it off is to do it the healthy way. Here are some tips to get you started on your weight loss journey.

Eat healthy foods

The type of foods you put in your body plays a major role in how and why you gain weight. Sweets, fatty foods and those that are high in cholesterol are bad for your body and for your health. This doesn’t mean you must eliminate your favorite foods completely.  It simply means you learn to limit the amount that you eat and how frequent you eat these treats. You can replace certain foods with healthy options. If you crave something sweet, then have a fruit; bananas, apples, grapes, and pineapples are very tasty because they contain natural sugars. However, the advantage of eating an apple instead of a piece of cake is that the apple will not go to your waistline.

Reduce your caloric intake

The amount of food you eat each day will play a significant role in your weight loss progress, so it is important to limit your caloric intake.  If you are overweight, it simply means that the type of food and the amount you are consuming is causing you to gain weight.  This means you must make changes in both areas. Of course reducing your caloric intake does not mean starving yourself.  It simply means consuming fewer calories per day than you usually do. Try for 300 calories less than usual, it’s really not as hard as it might seem.

Increase your activity level

If you want your weight to come off and stay off, then you need to incorporate some type of physical activity into your routine. It doesn’t have to be the tradition exercise program because this might not be for everyone, but you can try to find fun activities to keep your body fit and healthy. Take hikes with a partner, try a belly dancing class, ride bikes with your neighbors, play at the park with your kids, find a yoga center, go swimming, or do the traditional workouts. It really does not matter what option you chose once you do something.

Eating healthy is great, but eating healthy plus exercise is a sure way to lose weight. Remember that every time you exercise, you burn fat and calories.  Exercise is good for the mind as well as the body, so once you lose the extra pounds you will not only be looking good, but feeling amazing, too. 

I have been a personal trainer since 2009, but since 2013 with my clients at the gym, I had this little experiment about testing different diets and programs bought from the internet. We tested 30 programs with 100 clients and me and my clients together determined which one is the best and which one is the most effective.Please have a look at the results of the experiment..

Is Exercise Necessary To Lose Weight?

In today’s society where we are dictated by how we look and how much we weigh, weight loss has always been a goal that we all strive for whether we admit it or not. We all have that ideal weight that we want to achieve. But how do we successfully reach this “ideal” weight?

In this fast-paced world of ours where we are always on the go, we have very little time to squeeze in some type of exercise. Between work and taking care of our family, who even has time to work out? Which begs the question is exercise really necessary to lose weight? Which is more important in losing weight – diet or exercise?
Some people have this mistaken notion that in order to lose weight successfully, we have to exercise for hours on end. Exercise is however only a very small part of the equation.

In fact, many studies have shown that weight loss programs focused on decreasing your caloric intake make you lose two to three times more weight than a program focused on increasing your physical activity.  So what does this mean exactly?

It means that if your goal is just to lose weight, then diet plays a more significant role than exercise. Cutting down on your daily calories will make you lose more weight than just increasing your physical activity. Think about it. You will need to walk for 30 minutes just to burn off 150 calories from a donut. Imagine if you ate a Big Mac, large fries and a large glass of Coke, how many hours do you think it would take to burn off all those calories? If you just watched what you ate, then you would be more successful at losing the excess pounds.

However, this does not mean that you should forget about exercising altogether. If your goal is to be healthy and increase your quality of life, then you need to incorporate exercise into your daily routine. There are studies that show that adding exercise increases your life span. Exercise also reduces your risk of developing medical conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels and some types of cancer particularly colon and breast cancer.

Furthermore, exercise can help improve your mood, reduce depression and anxiety, help you sleep better, improve mental clarity, stall the aging process and give you more energy.

Although dieting by restricting your caloric intake is enough for you to lose weight, working out is crucial for overall physical and mental fitness. A healthy diet and a regular exercise regimen will definitely give you a better quality of life that will allow you to live to the fullest.

I have been a personal trainer since 2009, but since 2013 with my clients at the gym, I had this little experiment about testing different diets and programs bought from the internet. We tested 30 programs with 100 clients and me and my clients together determined which one is the best and which one is the most effective.Please have a look at the results of the experiment..


Keeping Yourself Motivated To Lose Weight

When the New Year comes around, many of us make the resolution to lose weight. We go on the latest fad diet and join a gym. But after just a few days, we find ourselves struggling to stick to our weight loss program. This usually happens because we start to lose our motivation to lose weight. Admit it, things happen. Life happens and we sometimes forget to put ourselves first. However, to be successful at weight loss, we need to keep ourselves motivated. Here are some ways by which you can stay motivated to lose weight.

1.     Take before and after pictures of yourself. When you feel like eating something fattening, look at your picture when you were overweight. Now do you really want to go back to this time in your life when you were sad and miserable and you just didn’t feel good about yourself?
2.     Keep a weight loss journal. Writing down the number of pounds you have lost over time, your daily food intake and exercise regimen will keep you focused and on track. As you see your progress and your weight get lower and lower, you will remain motivated to lose more weight until you reach your goal.
3.     Break down your overall weight loss goal into small, achievable goals. Reward yourself after you have achieved these milestones. For every 10 pounds you lose, pamper yourself, go to a spa, have your hair or nails done or buy a cute outfit. Reward yourself but make sure it is not food related.
4.     Don’t forget what your purpose is for losing weight. If you are losing weight to be healthy, think about how much energy you will have afterwards or how you can minimize your blood pressure medications when you have lost the weight. If you are losing weight to fit into a certain size, imagine how good you will look when you wear that particular dress you have been wanting to fit into for so long.
5.     If your budget allows, hire a personal trainer. A personal trainer will not only guide your work out sessions but he/she will be able to keep you on track and motivated.
6.     Exercise should not be a chore and painful. Find a fun exercise activity that you can stick to. Try dancing, spinning or just simply hiking outdoors. Listen to fast-paced music that will keep you moving while working out. Find an exercise buddy. Studies show that if you work out with somebody, you are more likely to stick to an exercise program.

We have all the information we need to lose weight at our fingertips. But what most people lack is the motivation in order to be successful. Motivation is a big component in weight loss success. Keeping these motivational strategies in mind will help keep you on the right path to achieving your weight loss goals.  

I have been a personal trainer since 2009, but since 2013 with my clients at the gym, I had this little experiment about testing different diets and programs bought from the internet. We tested 30 programs with 100 clients and me and my clients together determined which one is the best and which one is the most effective.Please have a look at the results of the experiment..

Lose Weight And Have Fun Doing It!

We cannot deny the fact that the mind is a powerful thing, but sometimes the mind can prevent us from reaching our goals. If you tell yourself that losing weight is unrealistic, then of course your weight loss efforts will fail. Although there are many things that contribute to weight loss, a positive attitude is high on the list. Rather than telling yourself that you cannot lose weight, tell yourself that you will lose weight. The feelings of failure occurs when people go on crash diets, lose large amounts of weight, then, in a short span of time, they gain the weight back. This becomes an unending cycle and, ultimately, they give up entirely. If you chose a quick fix method, the results will not last. For best results, you need a lifestyle change that will make you look better and feel better.

Set realistic goals

In order to see the results of your weight loss journey, you must to set goals that you can achieve. If you set a goal that you are going to lose 20 pounds in one week, you will feel disappointed and unmotivated at the end of the week when you are not able to meet the unrealistic goal. Those who commit to losing five pounds in two weeks and work hard toward achieving that goal are more likely to reach that goal.  People tend to lose more weight during the initial stages of their diet so chances are you might even lose more in those two weeks than you planned, but five pounds in two weeks is a realistic goal.  Once you have achieved your two week goal you will feel so motivated that you will want to continue to work hard and set new realistic goals.

Get active the fun way

Today there are so many options ways to get active that it is hard to pick one. Try a variety of options; you can choose to hike on the weekend or swim after work each day. If you are someone who likes to try new things, find classes in belly dancing, hip hop, Pilates or yoga. Find an exercise partner like a friend and family member so you can keep each other motivated. Working out does not have to feel like work; you can lose weight, tone your body and have fun doing it. You can also make small changes throughout the day to keep active; walk to the store instead of drive or take the stairs rather than the elevator. Small changes can make a big difference.

Eat foods that are healthy and delicious

Food can be the major downfall of many dieters; it is hard to think of life without chocolate, cake, ice cream or potato chips. In order for your diet to work, it has to be a lifestyle change which means to be thoughtful with your food choices and portions. 

You can still have potato chips, but instead of the oily fried chips, choose the baked chips. A carton of ice cream can last a few months in the freezer, so you can eat a proper serving size once or twice a month. As for chocolate, go ahead and eat it, but portion control is very important. If you want to treat yourself for reaching your two week goal, have a small piece of chocolate.

You also need to incorporate fruits, vegetables and other healthy options into your diet. Try a delicious vegetable salad instead of a burger or opt for sunflower seeds, almonds and peanuts if you want a snack between meals. Drink the required 8 glasses of water each day and remember that whatever you do, just have fun doing it.

I have been a personal trainer since 2009, but since 2013 with my clients at the gym, I had this little experiment about testing different diets and programs bought from the internet. We tested 30 programs with 100 clients and me and my clients together determined which one is the best and which one is the most effective.Please have a look at the results of the experiment..

Lose Weight With A Meal Plan

If you are truly dedicated to losing weight, you have to take everything aspect into consideration, like exercise, water consumption and diet.  A meal plan is a great way to stick to your diet especially if you are someone who is always busy. One of the main problems dieters have is that they tend to grab quick snacks on the go that are not healthy choices. You can avoid this problem by creating a meal plan.

Choose foods you like

Here is a tip that has proved helpful for many people trying to lose weight: get a pen and paper and make a list of all the foods you like to eat, and then separate the healthy options from the unhealthy ones. If you have a long list of healthy foods on your list, then you are one step closer to the body you desire. If you have a wide variety of unhealthy options, don’t worry because you can either eat them in moderation or find a healthier way to prepare these foods.

Healthy food substitutes

If you love foods and treats such as pizza, Ice cream or milkshakes, it is impossible to remove them from your diet.  The following are some healthier ways to enjoy your favorite foods:
·        Ice-cream. If you are an ice cream lover, save this sweet treat for special occasions. If you crave something cold or sweet as a replacement, then you can opt for soy ice cream or you can substitute ice cream for some delicious fat free yogurt.
·        Pizza. Pizza is filled with different types of cheese and has lots of calories, but you can still incorporate it into your diet. For starters, plan on a pizza meal about every two weeks. Second, one slice is more than enough, especially if you combine it with a salad or if the serving is a large restaurant portion. You can also create your own healthy pizza recipe and pick delicious toppings that will not go straight to your hips.
·        Milkshake. You can make your own milkshakes at home instead of indulging in high-calorie fast food versions. Use skim milk instead of whole milk, fresh fruits, and little or no sugar. This will taste just as delicious and has less sugar, fat and calories.

Plan your meals

It is important for you to have a weekly meal plan so that you stay on track with your diet. Plan what you are going to have for breakfast, lunch, and dinner each day as well as the snacks that you plan to consume between meals. Everything you eat adds up calories so if you have everything written on paper, it will be easier for you to calculate how much calorie you consume each day.  As you plan your meals, make sure that they are balanced with the required amounts of fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains and other daily options. Your diet should have a variety of different types of healthy foods to provide you with the required nutrients your body needs throughout the day.  Your breakfast choice should be light but satisfying, such as a slice of toast, banana, and a glass of skim milk. For lunch, choose something that has protein like as a chicken salad, tuna or grilled chicken breast.

If you feel hungry between meals, have a fruit snack such as an apple or some almonds or peanuts. Dinner should be light because you are not as able to work off the added calories as you would throughout the day. Eat something with protein, but make the portions small like a baked chicken breast with potatoes and a glass of water. If you feel hungry after eating your dinner, snack on something healthy such as a fruit or a drink a glass of skim milk.  When you plan your meals, you are ready to eat when you are hungry because you have all of your snacks and main meals planned for your weight loss success.

I have been a personal trainer since 2009, but since 2013 with my clients at the gym, I had this little experiment about testing different diets and programs bought from the internet. We tested 30 programs with 100 clients and me and my clients together determined which one is the best and which one is the most effective.Please have a look at the results of the experiment..

Secrets To A Flat Stomach

People will spend a great deal of money to get a great body through plastic surgery. According to the Report of the 2010 Plastic Surgery Statistics by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, $13.1 million was spent on cosmetic procedures in the United States. Surgery is fast, but there are things than can go horribly wrong. So why take the chance when you have a healthier and safer option? If you want an amazing body, you have to work for it and that is just the reality of the situation. When most people think of the ideal body, they immediately think of a flat stomach. This is one the hardest place to lose the weight. If the stomach is your main area of concern, then you need to find proper foods and targeted exercises that will help you with this problem.

Eliminate junk foods

If you want a flat stomach, then you have to eat foods that won’t store fat in that area. This means saying goodbye to frequent chocolate snacks, potato chips and sodas and saying hello to healthy fruits and vegetables. Instead of ice cream, eat a fat free yogurt. Substitute a large pizza with a delicious chicken salad. Realistically, you are not expected to totally eliminate all your favorite foods from your diet, but you need to save them for special occasions or limit them overall. Fruits and vegetables are delicious and they won’t go straight to your waistline. You can eat as much as you want and you won’t gain belly fat.

Eat more fiber

Fiber has been known to help with losing weight in the stomach. Diets that are low in fiber generally cause extra weight in the midsection. You can get fiber from eating fruits and vegetables daily. You should opt for brown or whole wheat bread instead of white bread, and brown rice instead of white rice. Some cereals also contain more fiber than others so be sure to read the labels and choose one that is also low in fat and sugar. 

Eat less salt

If you are trying to live healthy now, you should already be consuming less salt. However, if you want a flat stomach, salt consumption can be problematic as too much salt causes bloating. The signs are more prominent on the stomach than anywhere else on the body. Salts can also cause high blood pressure which can lead to other health problems, so it is beneficial to reduce your salt intake for several reasons.

I have been a personal trainer since 2009, but since 2013 with my clients at the gym, I had this little experiment about testing different diets and programs bought from the internet. We tested 30 programs with 100 clients and me and my clients together determined which one is the best and which one is the most effective.Please have a look at the results of the experiment..

The Effects Of Herbal Weight Loss Program

There are countless weight loss options available today, so if you have exhausted a number of plans, then it might be time to try something different. Herbal weight loss programs are popular, especially among people who prefer natural products. They are viewed safer than drugs and sometimes offer fast results. Although herbal alternatives are based on natural products, you still need to consult a doctor or nutritionist before going on this diet. They are not intended to be used alone, but some herbal products can be used to aid you in your weight loss progress.


Some herbs that are used for weight loss can have a laxative effect on the body. However, not all of these herbs are safe for use. If it has not been deemed safe by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) then do not use it. Cascara is one herb that many have used over the years and is administered by the FDA for use as a laxative. However, you must consult a medical practitioner before using it in your weight loss plan because, if used in excess, it can lead to health problems. It can also cause problems if mixed with certain types of medications or certain minerals in the body.

Herbal Fat burners

Some herbal products claim to be natural fat burners or appetite suppressants, but none has been shown to conclusively help you to lose weight. This is why it is advised that you try an herbal option to supplement your weight loss plan, but not as your main weight loss plan. Green tea is one of the most popular herbal options popularly used with many of the juice diets. It is reported to inhibit appetite and increase metabolism.


There are certain herbal weight loss programs that use plants and different types of herbs that have a diuretic effect. One of these is dandelion, which has been claimed to aid in the loss of water weight. The problem with diuretics is that it cannot be a long term solution to weight loss because water weight returns in a day or two. Since diuretics do not work on body fat, it cannot be used as a long-term weight loss program because the body needs to lose body fat in order to lose weight. Also, they can have an adverse effect if used with certain types of prescription medications so it does require doctor’s permission in order to try this option.


There are also weight loss programs that use herbs that have a stimulant effect on the body. Unfortunately they can lead to a wide variety of problems including heart issues and high blood pressure among other problems. They can also cause problems if used with other medications. One example is ephedrine, which was banned from sale in dietary supplements by the FDA, and yerba mate, or Paraguay tea, that may be linked to cancer of the esophagus.

I have been a personal trainer since 2009, but since 2013 with my clients at the gym, I had this little experiment about testing different diets and programs bought from the internet. We tested 30 programs with 100 clients and me and my clients together determined which one is the best and which one is the most effective.Please have a look at the results of the experiment..

The Most Common Reason We are Overweight

Are you one of the millions trying your hardest to lose that excess weight only to end up sorely disappointed? Are you tired of feeling like a failure? Do you want to once and for all conquer your weight loss struggles?

If you are like most individuals, losing weight has been an ongoing battle for most of your life. You are not alone in this battle. Many individuals like you struggle with excess weight and have tried countless numbers of weight loss programs that have left them disillusioned and frustrated. Losing weight only to gain it all back is one of the most disheartening and discouraging things in life. In order to be able to lose weight successfully, you must first understand what brought you here in the first place.

The most basic reason that we are overweight is our relationship with food. How many times have you used food as an excuse? Do you use food to comfort yourself? Do you eat when you’re depressed or anxious? Just about any emotion can be connected with food and one way to break your food addiction is to find the root cause for your overeating. Sometimes people eat out of boredom. They watch TV and immediately just want to munch on some chips. Sometimes we even just mistake thirst for hunger.

Our abusive relationship with food is one of the most difficult things to correct. Unlike alcohol or drug addiction where you can take away the offending agent, food addiction is a completely different thing. You can’t just take food away. We need food to survive. However, we should eat to live and not live to eat. We should eat only enough to have enough energy to get us through our daily activities. The problem is we often times overindulge ourselves, eating until we are stuffed. This overindulgence leads to the excess fat being stored in our bodies. 

I have been a personal trainer since 2009, but since 2013 with my clients at the gym, I had this little experiment about testing different diets and programs bought from the internet. We tested 30 programs with 100 clients and me and my clients together determined which one is the best and which one is the most effective.Please have a look at the results of the experiment..

Weight Loss Options

If you are overweight, the best thing that you can do is find a weight loss option that will work for you. It does not matter how successful someone else was with a particular diet program because it might not work for you. Every body is different and people gain weight for different reasons. They also lose weight in different ways. There are many weight loss options available, some more drastic than others, so it is best to consult a doctor before choosing a particular option.

Lifestyle changes

The main reason many people are unsuccessful in their weight loss effort is because they don’t commit to the cause. They might spend a month or two on a restrictive diet, and once the weight is off they resort to old habits.  This is not a good long term plan. In order for you to lose weight and keep it off, you must make a few lifestyle changes. It does not really matter what type of weight loss option you chose, as long as you make changes to your daily life. Your environment is the place to start. Stock your home with healthy options such as lean meats, nuts and grains, vegetables, fruits and water.

You do not have to completely restrict yourself from eating foods such as ice cream or chocolate, but you do need to limit the amount you eat and how often you eat them. In any diet you focus on portion control on any diet, so although you might be eating baked chicken instead of fried, you still need to limit the amount. Drink a glass of water before each meal so that it will fill you up and you will eat less.

Weight loss programs

There are many weight loss programs available today and many celebrities all over the world have endorsed them. Some programs focus on portion control and limit the intake of certain foods containing sugars and starches. Other plans offer their members a meal plan as well as support in the form of weekly or monthly meetings. There are even weight loss plans that create your meals for you and deliver them to your home. This option is very popular among people who are too busy to prepare their own meals.

Exercise programs

Weight loss is more than just changing your eating habits; an exercise regime must be an integral part of your plan. When you exercise, you burn calories and fat and less fat in the body means a slimmer waistline.  There are many exercise programs that you can try such as yoga, Pilates, boxing, dancing, or swimming, plus you can switch up your options each week. For best results, do a mixture of high intensity workouts to help you lose the weight, but also incorporate strength training or targeted exercises that will tone your body.

I have been a personal trainer since 2009, but since 2013 with my clients at the gym, I had this little experiment about testing different diets and programs bought from the internet. We tested 30 programs with 100 clients and me and my clients together determined which one is the best and which one is the most effective.Please have a look at the results of the experiment

7 tips For Weight Loss Success

Weight loss requires dedication and commitment because there are no magic tricks that can make the pounds disappear.  In order to lose weight you need a healthy diet plan, regular exercise, and a positive attitude. For your weight loss efforts to be successful, you must also surround yourself with people who can help and encourage you along the way. If you have a neighbor or friend who is also overweight, then team up and take this journey together. If you have coworkers who are overweight, then create teams and start a competition to see who can lose the most weight. A little competition never hurt anyone, but first here are some instructions to help you on your journey.Instructions on how to choose a plan:

   1.The first thing you need to do is establish how much weight you want to lose and a timeline for losing it. Make realistic goals such as 1-2 pounds a week for six months.  An unrealistic goal such as 30 pounds in 30 days will only leave you disappointed.
   2.Visit a doctor or a dietician and tell them about your long-term weight loss goal. They will be able to calculate how much weight you need to lose each week in order to achieve it.  They can also offer tips and advice on the healthiest ways possible to achieve your objective in the desired time.
   3.It is important that you learn to observe your body mass index, more commonly referred to as BMI. This is better than just knowing your body weight because BMI will let you know the appropriate weight for your particular height.  The Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s website has a chart that you can visit and calculate your BMI.
  4.Chose an exercise program that you can stick to for the long term. There are a number of options available to suit any preference. If you like being outdoors, then you can jog in the morning or take a hike on weekends. If you like to dance, then sign up for a dance class or a belly dancing class. If you prefer something else, then do yoga or Pilates. It is important to just do something fun that will keep you motivated.
  5.If you are not going to use a specialized diet program, you can still take tips from them to help you in your efforts. Some plans restrict protein while others restrict carbohydrates and sugars and some focus on limited amounts of starches. Read as much as you can about each diet and make sure you understand the pros and cons of the choices you make.
  6.Simple changes to your daily routine can play a major role in weight loss. Instead of taking the elevator at work, take the stairs. A five-minute walk to the supermarket is healthier than driving there.  If you have to drive somewhere, park your car a few miles away from your destination and walk the rest of the journey.
  7.Budget for your weight loss plan, if you opt for a popular program, there might be a cost to join. However, if you plan to lose weight on your own, you will need to shop for fresh fruits and vegetables and other healthy options that might cost a little more than you usually spend on junk food. If you plan to join a gym or take a dance class, you will also need to spend money so take these things into consideration.  In the end, the extra money you spend will be worth it when you are successful in losing the extra pounds.
    I have been a personal trainer since 2009, but since 2013 with my clients at the gym, I had this little experiment about testing different diets and programs bought from the internet. We tested 30 programs with 100 clients and me and my clients together determined which one is the best and which one is the most effective.Please have a look at the results of the experiment: